Safety is a priority at Rapid and we have strict policies and safety procedures that all staff and contractors must abide by.
The total workforce of our Companies from latest employee to Managing Directors are committed to establishing maintaining and wherever possible improving safe working environments and systems. To generate a common understanding of the disciplines and methods we adopt to achieve a workplace which protects our health and welfare at work we have produced this manual and issued a personal copy to everyone involved in the businesses. The manual is an important document and is so structured that in the event that an addition or improvement is effected a revision sheet or sheets will be issued to all employees immediately.
It is not negotiable that all personnel fully understand and commit themselves to the contents of this manual.
The SMP incorporates Specific Management Systems that are based upon proven principals of safety management and statutory duties, responsibilities and accountabilities defined in applicable Australian OS&H Legislation.
The SMP will supplement and complement client and statutory OS&H requirements and be subjected to regular auditing from client and external authorities to ensure the SMP is accurate and complies with current OH&S standards.
The SMP is intended to provide Rapid Crushing & Screening Contractors PTY LTD Management personnel and contractor management teams with clear guidelines and methodology for applying and managing the required standards of OS&H within their work sites, whilst working within client OH&S management systems.
Effective application of this SMP, when applied in conjunction with client Occupational Safety and Health Standards will enable Rapid Crushing & Screening Contractor Projects and its contractors to:
The Company Safety Management Plan (SMP) has been developed to enable a central and effective standard of Safety Management to be applied throughout all Rapid work sites.
Provide a safe place of work;
Prompt reporting of Accidents, Incidents, Hazards, Damage and Environmental issues:
Reduce injury and harm to Project employees;
Maximise productivity to our clients;
Meeting statutory obligations.
Set regular auditing and inspection programs.
Rapid Crushing & Screening Contractors PTY LTD (Rapid) firmly believes that the health and safety of its employees and contractors is of primary importance in the successful conduct of its business activities.
Rapid recognises its legal and moral responsibility to provide a safe working environment, safe systems of work and competent supervision of all employees. Rapid has a commitment to conduct its operations in a manner that will not cause people to be hurt, nor place their health at risk.
Zero lost time injury frequency rate is a key management objective, which will be pursued with similar vigour to other management objectives. The benefits to be gained from successful health and safety programmes are significant in both human and monetary terms and justify the pursuit of the highest standards of Occupational Health and Safety.
In support of its commitment, Rapid will implement the following policies as the basis for developing an effective safety management programme.
Rapid is committed to complying with the Environmental Protection Authority of Australia and strives not to breach the environmental requirements of all laws and other applicable environmental requirements.
Rapid will comply with the Environmental Protection Authority of Australia, and will not breach the environmental requirements of all laws and other environmental requirements applicable to the contract.
We will not remove, or cause or permit damage or injury to any existing vegetation (alive or dead) or fauna, except to the extent that any removal or damage to vegetation is essential for performance of the specific job and in accordance to the contract.
Topsoil will be removed and stockpiled prior to any excavation or construction, in accordance to the contract.
Will not light any fires unless required in accordance to the contract.
Will not dig or cut excavations unless specified in contract.
No firearms or offensive weapons will be permitted on any Rapid site.
No dogs, cats or other domestic pets will be allowed on any Rapid site.
Will minimise noise pollution and comply with all laws for operation of plant and equipment. For the purpose of complying with the Environmental Act 1986 (WA) and the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1984 (WA) directed at noise.
Ensure that at all times its operations are contained within the designated site areas and access roads and in particular that disturbance to land and vegetation of the approved roads is avoided.
Exercise all reasonable care to prevent pollution and comply with all laws and Australian standards regarding pollution and the storage and disposal of potential pollutants.
Not bring onto the site any radioactive material unless it complies with all the laws and has approval in the contract to do so.
Keep the Site clean and tidy and regularly remove rubbish and surplus materials.